About Me

I am Sriram Jayaraman. I am a SEBI registered investment adviser. The SEBI registration number is INA200011976. I am an MBA from Heroitt-Watt University, Edinburgh. I have worked in top-tier IT companies in India, US and Europe for over 27 years. I have been investing in direct equity and mutual funds for over 20 years. I am a marathon runner and love to cycle long distances.

My Goals as financial adviser

Sriram Jayaraman

Why the name Arthagyan?

When I was searching for a suitable name for my website, I wanted to give it a sanskrit name.  The first known Indian book on finance is by Chanakya called “Artha Shartra”. Artha means Fianance in Sanskrit and Gyan means knowledge. My motto is to spread financial knowledge. Hence the name Arthagyan for my website.